Thursday, July 24, 2008

New discoveries

I'm very glad of tech-savvy colleagues who are willing to show me what is obvious to them but obscure to me. Hopefully this will become easier with practice. Why are they called posts? Can't think of a better name though.


SoAndSo said...

My first thought was it's probably something to do with Colin Meads. As you know, he invented the post-it.

However, all i can find is humdrum insinuation that it was just a verb that became a noun.

NSL Training Support Team said...

The origins of posts may be obscure but it is often used these days, i.e. 'posting' something on a bulletin board. A lot of new words are being invented (and some get new meaning) with the widespread use of Internet. In the course of the programme you will come across more of these words.