Thursday, October 29, 2009

creative commons

The creative commons icon for "get with it" is in the top left-hand corner of the page it said:
You are free to share, to remix
Under the following conditions: Attribution, Noncommercial
with the understanding that: Waiver, other rights

I found a lovely head and shoulders of a kokako by Matt Binns on Flickr. His creative commons statement is:
You are free to share, to remix
Under the following conditions: Attribution
with the understanding that: Waiver, other rights

Thursday, October 22, 2009

online privacy and security

What is more secure than your own mind? Yes there is the risk that you will forget one of the 27 password/username combos that you are supposed to remember but at least they aren't visable to anyone else. First they tell you not to tell anyone yopur passwords, then Keepass ask you to tell them all your passwords to keep secure. Who are they? Do they have my best interests at heart? How do they make a profit?

For Pharos I suggest short, easy to spell and remember passwords because the consequences of someone else accessing that account aren't so terrible, they might get $2 worth of printing. Other accounts need complex passwords, a different one for each. We each need to balance the need for hard-to-crack passwords with the ability to remember them!